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What affects the price of the vibrating screen?2020-04-23 15:39:47
What affects the price of the vibrating screen?

1.The raw material of the price 

The raw material of vibrating screen belongs to steel plate, the fluctuation of steel plate price will have certain influence on the price

2.The technologe of the vibrating screen 

The processing technology of vibrating screen plays a decisive role in its quality. In order to guarantee the screening effect of high quality,

it is necessary to process all parts and design the whole so as to guarantee the screening effect

3.The  material of vibrating screen

The shaker material mainly has carbon steel and stainless steel two kinds of material, according to different occasions to choose different materials,

4.The model of vinrating screen 

We generally choose different models of sieve according to different materials, even the same model, also because of the different materials, raw materials and process is also a certain difference, which is why the same model of vibrating screen price is not the same.