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Xinxiang Gaozhuo vibrating equipment Co.Ltd AIBot в сетиЭта беседа сгенерирована искусственным интеллектом. Перед совершением транзакции свяжитесь с производителем, чтобы подтвердить информацию.
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Vibrator hopper may present the follwing problems?2020-05-09 14:56:28
Vibrator hopper may present  the follwing problems?

1. Abnormal running noise of vibration hopper.Check and tighten vibration motor mounting bolts and other fastener bolts;There is contact and bump between the vibrating hopper and the surrounding equipment. Adjust the installation of the hopper body to ensure that the gap between the hopper body and the surrounding equipment and objects is no less than 50mm.

2.The reason is that the vibration force of the vibration motor is small, the material humidity is too high, and the bonding affects the material flow speed.Open the end cover of the vibrating motor, adjust the included Angle of the eccentric block, increase the vibration force of the vibrating motor, and ensure the same vibration force at both ends of the vibrating motor.

3. Sealing leakage between the fixed flange and the bucket.Its reason is seal ring and seal canvas damage or tie up not reliable.Replace sealing ring and sealing canvas, tie and tie the belt tightly.