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How To Extend The Life of Vibration Screen2020-05-18 08:58:37
How To Extend The Life of Vibration Screen


The chemical vibrating screen is widely used in chemical industry, and eliminate the original artificial screening or omit process of screening. It improve the quality of materials by high-efficient screening equipment. But equipment has different life. How to extend the life of vibration screen?


1.Keep equipment clean, and check whether the screen have damage when handover.  

2.When a bearing is damaged, a bad bearing needs to be replaced with a new bearing.

3.Don’t knock when assembly removal parts, have appropriate cushions to set off, or use a small mallet for tapping and disassembly. 

4.The motor needs to change the lubricating oil regularly. In order to reduce the burning of the motor due to forgetting to add lubricating oil, there are also manufacturers using the oil-free motor.

5.Damaged screens, rubber rings and vibration motors should be replaced in time to avoid affecting the normal running of chemical vibrating screen.