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How to install bucket elevator2020-05-28 08:53:45
How to install bucket elevator

1. The bucket elevator must be firmly installed on a solid millennium foundation. The surface of the millennium foundation should be flat and level to ensure the bucket elevator

The vertical requirements are met after installation.

The bucket elevator with a relatively high height should be connected to the adjacent buildings (such as silo, workshop, etc.) at the appropriate position of part of the casing and upper casing to increase its stability. , Fix the anchor bolts, and then install the middle chassis, and then install the upper chassis. The casing is successfully installed and the verticality is corrected. Measured with a straight line of lead at the full height, the error should be less than 10mm. The upper and lower axes should be parallel, and their axis lines should be in the same plane.

When the bucket elevator with the highest height is installed, the upper, middle and lower casings can be all connected and properly adjusted on the ground level, and then the whole is straightened and fixed on the expansion foundation.

2. After the cabinet is installed, install the chain and hopper. The U-shaped screw used for the hopper link is both a chain joint and a fixed part of the hopper. The nut of the U-shaped screw must be tightened and reliably prevented from loosening.

3. After the chain and hopper are installed, perform proper tensioning.

4. Add appropriate amounts of oil and butter to the reducer and bearing housing respectively. The reducer is lubricated with industrial gear oil. Calcium-based or sodium-based butter can be used in the bearing housing.