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Maintenance of vibration motor2020-06-19 17:57:23
Maintenance of vibration motor

Vibration motor repair :

1. The outgoing cable of the vibration motor is subject to vibration, so the cable with greater elasticity should be used as the motor lead. Generally, the motor lead is easy to be broken or damaged at the root of the motor outlet. When such a failure occurs, the motor should be turned on from the inside of the motor Rewire.

2. The bearings of the vibration motor should be heavy-duty bearings, which can bear a certain axial load. The bearing life is not affected by the axial load regardless of the installation direction. When disassembling the bearing, record the position of the eccentric block and the percentage value of the exciting force. After replacing the bearing, check that the rotating shaft of the motor should have a certain axial series movement. First, do not install the eccentric block and test the motor. Record and reset the eccentric block.
3. The protective cover of the eccentric block should be well sealed to prevent dust from entering the inside and affecting the operation of the motor.
Reasonable use, diligent and conscientious inspection can better play the role of vibration motor and extend the service life of vibration motor.