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Selection And Screening Of Rose Buds2020-09-01 14:49:22
Selection And Screening Of Rose Buds

In the existing production process of roses and flower buds, there are generally the following processes: picking-picking-drying-packaging and storage.

In the picking process after picking, in addition to the large blooming roses, there are also many rose buds of different sizes, as well as leaves, soil, etc. This requires a vibrating screen for size classification, which can save labor costs and improve efficiency.

We have customers who want to use a vibrating screen to classify rose buds, leaves and soil. After understanding the customer’s needs, we recommend that the customer use a winnowing vibrating screen to process the materials. First, use a fan to blow off the leaves and light straws in the flower buds, and take advantage of the difference in mesh size when the flower buds pass through the screen. The flower buds are sorted for different purposes after drying and storage.